Thursday, October 20, 2016



     Hola! Mi nombre es Elder Clements y yo de La Iglesia de Jesucristo de los santos de los ultimos dias. Hola mi familia y mi amigos! Yo hablo soló Español por le tres semanas! Español es muy importante por mi lecions y por mi investigadors. Well I now officialy speak spanglish 100% of the time now at the CCM, I made a promise to my teacher to speak soló español for the rest of my CCM experience, which at the time seemed like a good idea, and it is a good idea it´s just extremely difficult. I no longer speak good English but I still can´t speak good Spanish. 
    There is not much new to report, the days are typically all the same, which includes classes, classes, some more classes, lunch, classes, gym, classes, classes, and finally teaching an investigator. My companion, Elder Standing, and I get along really well, we are able to teach very effective and with vigor. It´s amazing when you diligently seek and work hard The Lord will provide for you. Before we go into a lesson we always say a prayer in Spanish asking for the ability to understand and be understood, and boy does The Lord provide! We are able to speak in the language so fluently it´s really very amazing and humbling. Oh and another thing about Mexico... the air is retchid(retched?), every morning a wake up with burning lungs and a horrible cough all through the day. I reallllyyyyyy miss the clean, crispy, cut your lungs its so sharp, Utah air. 
 I wish you all the best and thank you for the prayers and words of encouragement. I love you all and hope you have a good week!
Elder Clements