Saturday, March 31, 2018

Through the fire again.

Last district picture before transfers

March 26, 2018
If you can make sense of the title and emoji sequence then I have no need to write anymore... I doubt anyone will get that lolz so I will write some más. Well, it's been a great week to grow and one of those weeks in which nothing went to plan. J*** unfortunately did not get baptized this week and has been taken off any future date until we can re-asses the whole situation. It's been a roller-coaster of emotions as we've been trying to figure it all out, but now we are settled and have a path to follow.  We are still going to teach him but it's going to take some time, which is fine. Other than that, we didn't see much progress from our other investigators this week. Transfer news came and Elder Sibaja and I are together still, thank heavens! I'm looking forward to this coming transfer and the last few months of my mission, I don't want it to end but it's slipping away.  I've been working and wrestling with the Lord to know what kind of weapons of rebellion I'm still holding onto, and it's been tough to know what more I need to change. I'm working really hard on dropping away my own desires so that I can more purely follow the will of the Lord. It's tough gents! I love this work and wouldn't change it for anything in the world! I love our Savior and wish I could declare it from the rooftops and everyone actually listen!!
Elder Clements