Thursday, March 15, 2018

Progression and now a 6 month count down

Exchanges with Elder Cass

Yes! J*** is doing super well. He is looking great for his date of the 24th to be baptized. M*** and her family couldn't make it to church yesterday so we had to drop their date for now. But with the great progression we are seeing from most of our investigators, it's been a great week! On Saturday we went and helped a member organize a storage unit... that was intense. There was a lot of stuff but it was a fun experience, they also gave us some cool backpacks, hats, and other random items lol. I officially have 6 months left so prepare for some insane step up! Nothing to crazy happened this week so sorry no crazy stories.
Elder Clements

All that yellow/green stuff is pollen and it's killing us down here, there is so much!