Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Work hard, sweat harder

     Well we lost our "golden" investigator. Everything was going super well, we had member friends and we were visiting him every-other day, he had a date to be baptized on July 8th...when we got a text from him a few days ago telling us he doesn't want to "play with God' and asked us to not come see him anymore. That made us really sad, I felt like laying down and crying in the middle of the trailer park we were at when we got the text. As a missionary you really learn to love and cherish the souls of others, and I have never felt so much sadness as I did when this dear man told us he didn't want to continue progressing. I hope and pray that we planted a deep enough seed in him to be harvested at some later time! We worked super hard this week and found 3 new investigators, we are super excited to be teaching them. I love this work and know it's true! I love it, and I live it!!! Our strength IS in CHRIST!  
Elder Clements