Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Rain+Hard work+Spirit=Great week

Getting out of the heat in a tree

     Well somehow it's Pday again! We found 4 new investigators this week.  2 of our others are still progressing well and we are excited for their baptisms this upcoming month! Once more with the dogs this week... I swear they are always trying to eat us. We were out in the middle of flippin' no-where trying to find this less active member when we tried this trailer with this HUGE dog out-side. We figured we had come so far we might as well just knock, besides members are super important. So we started walking towards this house and this monster starts running at us and going nuts, it's one of those situations in which if you turn away from the dog it WILL eat you. We knocked the door and as we were trying to leave the monster tried to eat Elder Ibarra but somehow #spiritisaprotector and the dog wouldn't get any closer than a foot! Really scary but alls good now! I know it's simple but hey it's a cool story todavia. Entonces, creo que eso es todo! Dios es nuestro Padre Celestial y Jesucristo es nuestro Salvador y Redentor! Hasta proximo semana! 
Con amor, 
Elder Clements 
Caught in the rain