Wednesday, December 13, 2017

it's warming up again...

My Olaf

     Well other than taking 15 years to figure out the title of this email, it's been a wonderful week! It did in fact snow and I was in heaven, but certainly not used to the cold like that. It's been about 7 or 10 years since it has snowed here. So. Wow. We had exchanges this week, Elder Standing came down to me and Elder Mangum went up to Elder Cooper for the day. It was fun to be with an old friend for the day. 

P-day bike ride
     Other than that it was a week full of miracles in our area and in the rest of the district. Elder Mangum and I found some awesome new investigators!  They are all super great and ready to make changes in their lives. It's been good getting used to leading this district and I have learned soooooooo much from it already, but I have so very much more to learn and do haha. One of the things I've been working on this week is that funny thing called "humility". It is definitely one of those things that takes constant attention and care or else, for me, I get carried away with thinking all about myself. Having to realize God is right 100% of the time sounds like an easy thing to do, and it may be, but acting on that realization is a whole new thing. So that's what I've been trying to do, humble myself enough to constantly follow the will of God and align my life with that will. It's HARD! The blessings are so worth it though, as we have seen this week. I love this work and I love my God and I love my Savior. It's super exciting to be doing this right now!
Elder Clements

Tree bench for my mom

Let that light shine! 

Well I am writing this on my new phone... It's weird for sure haha yeah see I just used an emoji... Anyway it's been a good week, kinda of a hard one as we've been trying to get used to our new tools and keep our investigators progressing towards baptism. We had to drop one of our investigators baptism date this week. For some reason we were just not able to have a lesson with her and she hasn't kept commitments in a while... So we are looking for a Hail Mary pass (miracle) with her. Please keep her in your prayers! Our other investigator is still looking good for the 24th, we are just struggling with seeing him often but it should all work out fine, also keep praying for him and his family please. The rest of the district is working super hard but right now just not seeing any fruits, kinda like it's been my whole mission so I'm used to it, but they have good faith and a good attitude so I am happy with that. Something that I have been sharing a lot is the grace of Christ. Helping people (and my district) understand that it's not the light at the end of the dark tunnel, it's the light that helps us through that tunnel. It's been such a help to me to understand that as I've struggled throughout my mission. I love this work and I love my people, and I'm gonna push soooooooo hard this last year that I have.
Elder Clements