Tuesday, November 28, 2017

New companion and new responsibility

Thanksgiving was delicious and fun!

     It's been a week full of miracles! We received referral from a member a few weeks ago for a lady but we haven't really been able to see her until last Tuesday. She happily let us in when we knocked on her door and was very active in our discussion, at the end of the lesson we invited her to be baptized on the 24th of December, to which she replied "Of course! Does it have to be that far away?" How amazing is that! God is going to make it happen and I know it! If ya'll could pray for her health, I know she would really appreciate it! I hope all of you are starting to think of ways to participate in the #LighttheWorld Campaign this year, it starts on December 1st and goes until the 25th(Christmas). 25 ways in 25 days to share and increase your light!! 
Elder Clements 

      I am so glad this week is over! It's just been a whole bunch of running around trying to get Elder Wilcox's stuff ready so he can go home. I have my new companion, Elder Mangum, from St.George UT! He is cool and I am looking forward to this new transfer! We have had some issues with a couple of our investigators, trying to figure out what ward they go to. So we have been talking to President Hall about it and we are still figuring that out... they will still be baptized we just don't know where haha. Other than that we really have much more happen this week. I am now a District Supervisor and its good District and a wonderful area, success is soon to come!  Something I have been really working on is connecting people to heaven. It is something President Hall invited us to learn more about and understand how we do it. I have learned that the most important thing everyone needs to know is that God is YOUR'S and MINE'S and EVERYONE'S loving Heavenly Father! We need to have this connection with Him so that we may be able to understand to whom we pray so we can then receive answers to our questions! So simple, yet so hard to understand. I invite all of you young adults that get or read this email to go watch the face to face with Elder Oaks and Elder Ballard. It has some amazing counsel! 
Elder Clements