Thursday, May 24, 2018

Run faster!


 Exchanges with Elder Merrill
     Well as the title suggests, we had to run this week, but it just didn't seem to matter how fast we ran, we just had to keep running faster. Meaning we were extremely busy. It was a lot of fun and we blessed a lot of the areas in the district and still had some time in our area. On Monday night until Wednesday I had Elder Merrill with me on exchanges which was a ton of fun!

     The best part of the week though was that Jose Angel got to go to the temple and do baptisms for the dead!!!! It was so amazing! We almost missed it but thank heavens President Hall came running into the waiting room telling us that Jose was already in the water haha. We made it and it was great. After we were done and talking to Jose he told us how much he loved and how strong the spirit was in the temple. He said he looks forward to coming again. Other than that, we have some great people working to be baptized and so we will see where that goes. The Lord is on our side and He knows exactly what he is doing, sometimes it takes us a second to realize it though.
Los amo,
Élder Clements

Just a normal P-Day