Saturday, March 10, 2018

Getting trained part 2: Let the Spirit guide

Elder Sibaja, Me, and Elder Jerónimo 
February 26,2018
Another great week has past here in crazy ol' Texas. We have seen many miracles and learned a lot. It started out with Elder Jerónimo joining us to give us some feedback and train us a little more for a few days. That was way fun and a good help. On Tuesday we found this amazing family,  who are doing so well! The mom and daughter have agreed to be baptized on and are very excited about it! We have another investigator that is doing amazing still and is looking forward to being baptized also. I love this area and I love the people that live here! I rough part hit when I fell ill with la gripa (basically a terrible cold and then fever mixed into a lengthy recovery) and Elder Sibaja is still recovering from it. Spanish is coming back slowly but it's a huge help to have a Mexican as a companion . Let's see...what else? I am still trying to more fully apply my WHY. Boy it's so important to have a true and sure understanding of WHAT we are doing so that we can continue for a long period of time. It's something that President Hall wrote about in his weekly email and it's spurred some deep thinking on my side. #hazlojusto
Les amo mucho, 
Elder Clements