Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Faith it up, buttercup

January 15,2018

Well it's been another crazy, faith filled, and amazing week in Texas! We have really been trying to work with our members more and it's been slow but it has been good.

C*** has been doing well, we haven't been able to see him this week because he picked up a second job and had been crazy busy and tired. He has however continued to read in the Book of Mormon and his still slowly progressing! 

J*** is still doing really well and feeling a bit more confident about his baptism. He is such a good guy! 

R*** is still trying to look for the answer of whether or not he should be baptized. He is still reading thank heavens and still has a desire to learn. Super awesome!

A*** was able to read and will hopefully we working towards a specific baptismal date by the end of this week. Also a super great guy! 

Well that's our investigators right now! Oh crazy kinda weird experience this past week. Ready? OK, here it is. Elder Mangum and I found this kinda crazy cool guyz while we looking for a former investigator. We taught then about the Restoration and they invited us back the next day. On our way to their house the next day, we felt really funny about going back to see these guyz and that feeling wouldn't go away. So.... What do you do when you have a funny feeling that won't go away? You pray about it, right? Well that's what we did, and sure enough we both felt very strongly like we should not go back, so we didn't. Haven't seen the guyz since. No idea what would have happened if we would have gone but boy do I know it was the right thing to listen to the Spirit!  I am so thankful for a Loving Father in heaven that is always watching out for us and has given us the Holy Ghost to warn us of danger!