Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Fruits are being harvested

This is Shadow

     Anddddddd we're back for another P-Day in beautiful Houston Texas, nice and warm today with a high chance of rain and lightening. What a week it's been! I can't even imagine how it's Monday again. As the title suggest, we are finally seeing progress in our area! We have 2 new solid progressing investigators, a husband and wife!!!! They are awesome, they have only lived here for 6 months and they moved here from Honduras. They have a little kid and are really into the Gospel and have accepted baptism! We are trying to get them on date for the 29th of April, I have sooooooo much faith that we can get them into the saving waters of baptism. The Lord as seen our efforts and is letting us see the fruits!
Elder Clements 
Elder Woodbury as SERVICE MAN