Tuesday, March 21, 2017

3/20/17 Forecast calls for hot & humid with a chance of new investigators

Reunion with some of the CCM Elders

Jeez Luis how quick does the time fly! This was a really good week, we worked super hard and are finally starting to see the fruits of our labors. We taught a guy from Nigeria about the Restoration. It was an English lesson so we can't count him as a new investigator but we passed him off to the English elders. What an amazing man! Elder Woodbury and I were looking at some birds when we looked over and saw this feller sitting outside, so being missionaries, we went and talked to him. He looked up at us and said "I've been waiting for you guys to talk to me, come, let's talk" … yeah so this is what we call a prepared person. He was so into the lesson, he helped teach it! He accepted baptism and the restoration of the gospel! That kinda got us pumped and we proceeded to find 8 more investigators during the wrest of the week! I love it when we are able to see the spirit testify to the soul about the truth. We don't take the recognition of conversion, we just make sure we are clean so the spirit can work through us. That's mostly what I learned this week. As long as you're trying your best, the Lord will make up the rest. Love it! Testify of it! LIVE IT! Oh yes we also did some translating for some people that got in an accident, lol that was fun. 
Con mucho amor y también mi corazón, 
Elder Clements

Ate dinner under a bridge while it rained

3/13/17 Ether 12:12, lots of rain, and TRANSFERS 

     It's been a pretty good week! The work has been pretty slow this week but our members are really starting to warm up to the idea of missionary work, and I am so happy about that! No new investigators this week but we did have some members start inviting friends, family, coworkers, etc. to church and ward activities. Not much else to say for this week other than it's transfers today and my trainer(Father) Elder Smith is leaving us and heading towards Houston. I'll be sad to see him go but I'm also really looking forward to staying in this area with Elder Woodbury and seeing the fruits of our labors. I love this work so much and there is nothing better than seeing the Light of Christ touch someones heart! 
Elder Clements 
Resting in the rain


Thursday, March 9, 2017

Stepping it up

Twas a beautiful sunset

     Holy Cow, it's only been a couple hours since last P-Day it feels like! It's been a really busy week, we had exchanges with the APs on Monday, See to Succeed on Tuesday, and meetings with president and the district on Wednesday. Then we had the rest of the week to work real hard thank heavens. We were able to find 3 solid new investigators this week! One of them is a members friend which is super awesome. 
     Jeez I don't even know what else happened this week it's flown by to quickly. We have really been stepping it up the past few weeks and finally we are starting to see some of the fruits! Yeah wow not much else to say
 ** spins around in chair trying to think of more to say** I have been studying hope this week. Hope is part of faith right? Faith is hoping and believing in something that we can not see. Hope is trusting that something is there. Now who do we have hope in? Well by George we have hope in God and His son, Jesus Christ!
> Entonces, eso es todo.
> con mucho amor,
> Elder Clements
The best taco truck in the world!

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Testimony Builders and a busy busy busy week.

Lunch at Taco Bell
     Woah, what a week! We have been soooooo busy this week. We had exchanges with the Zone Leaders on Tuesday and DMV visit on Thursday. We worked so hard yet we were not able to pick any fruits this week. I keep reading Ether 12:12 to give me that hope that we will finally be able to see the fruits of our efforts. We taught, or tried to teach, a member's husband, he's a communist... so yeah his views were a little bit hard to understand especially when he started talking about particle theory and string physics when we started going over the First Vision. That was interesting. We also taught some drunk fellers, that was also fun. All of these experiences with people just strengthen my testimony that this church is true! Well I love this work even though it is real hard sometimes. 
Hasta Luego! 
Elder Clements